Exciting prospects for 2014 [2014-01-08]

The New Year has begun well for Reneal IEO.  In the last month, we’ve received donations of 70 used laptops from Bay Area corporations!  There is still much work to be done to determine how many of those can be transformed into seats in school IT labs, but early evaluation appears promising.  Combined with monetary contributions from generous donors, this assures that the planned 2014 Tanzania projects are well-positioned for success.  A project plan will be posted following the January 18th Reneal IEO board meeting with more details for the 2014 Tanzania work.

On a more immediate note, Neal and I (the co-founders of Reneal IEO) will be departing on January 27th for the Philippines.  Thanks again to the generosity of individual and corporate donors, we will be implementing low-cost computer labs at six schools in Cebu.  Most of the equipment has already been shipped, and we are in the final stages of preparation for the trip.  Before we leave, we must complete the more mundane corporate tasks of finalizing the 2013 financial report, filing tax forms, preparing the annual report, and so on.  Neal is making sure he has the final version of the Ubuntu 12.04 configuration that we used in Tanzania in 2013 along with the current software updates.  We hope to make use of some existing NComputing nodes in a couple of the elementary schools, so that will take some additional research as well.  In short, it will be a busy few weeks until our departure.

The last few months have been tumultuous for the Philippines.  The October earthquake has continued to rattle homes (and nerves) with aftershocks.  And the earthquake was followed in November by Typhoon Haiyan, by many accounts the most powerful typhoon to ever make landfall.  We spent many anxious hours in late 2013, awaiting news from friends in Cebu and Leyte.  And as always, we were amazed and humbled by the bravery and resilience of the Filipinos as they dealt with these crises.  We eagerly await our return to work among our friends there.

If you would like to further the work of Reneal IEO, please see the “How to Help” page for more information.