Phase 3 underway! [2021-12-18]

The equipment for Phase 3 is on the way!  Thanks to another generous donation from Apto Solutions, seven more schools in Tanzania will be receiving computer labs!  Three schools in Arusha District, one school in Meru District, two schools in Monduli District, and one school in Kondoa District (near Dodoma) have been selected; the latter two districts are firsts for Reneal.  Right now, the boxes are scheduled to arrive next Wednesday.  There is still a lot of work to do, but this is a big first step.  Reneal is so grateful to Apto Solutions for this opportunity to reach more schools in Tanzania with technology!

Reneal’s Country Director in Tanzania, David Nyangaka, has been arranging for receipt of the boxes at Kilimanjaro International Airport – always a big task.  He has also been working hard on the school selection process, as well as working with the remaining Phase 2 schools to complete their preparations for lab installation.  Reneal requires that the schools provide a classroom for the computer lab, as well as electrical outlets, room security, tables, and chairs.  For the more remote schools served by Reneal, these requirements can take time to meet.  We are grateful to David, the Heads of School, teachers, local officials, and generous local donors who work together to bring the computer lab to life.

Here in the US, Neal has continued work on a major software upgrade.  It was down to the wire, but the new software was installed on the seven departing Phase 3 servers!  He is now preparing an update process to bring all currently installed servers to the same software version.  This will be executed over the next several months by Reneal Team Tanzania members Robert, Erick, and Ashura.  Neal was able to meet all of his development goals, including a major improvement in his custom program “systemCheck” which diagnoses, fixes, and reports a broad range of issue.  Since Reneal continues to expand its footprint in Tanzania, this added self-sufficiency is critical to keeping the systems running reliably.

(Photo: Phase 3 boxes ready to go!)