Sleepless in Cebu [2015-06-27]

The municipal fiesta here in Compostela is on July 25th, and the town is already humming with preparation and anticipation.  I just got back from an early morning coastal clean-up activity.  The local government workers and schools joined together for this event, and I was a part of the Compostela National High School contingent.  We filled many bags with trash, and it definitely looks nicer now down by the seafront area!  And as the clock ticks down toward our departure, the tension is rising for Neal and me to finish up our planned (and unplanned) Reneal IEO work.

We finished up the Reneal IEO system updates this week, visiting Labogon National High School, Liloan National High School, and Carmen National High School.  We had a few little glitches, but Neal was able to get everything done.  He is building more and more confidence in the remote access to the servers at schools with internet, using his VPN connection.  It allows him to make system updates from the apartment here… and from California, when we return home.  It is a huge win in helping to keep things running well at the schools. 

Jade, our man on the scene here, also traveled to Tayud NHS this week to repair the second rat-bitten network cable providing service to ComLab2.  Unfortunately he was not successful – there seems to be some additional damage to one half of the cable.  We will prepare a backup cable for Tayud that they can store in their IT lab for installation if it is needed; that might be a better solution anyway, since the cable will be better protected that way.

In general, it was a week of happy anecdotes this week for Reneal IEO:

  • Alternative Learning System (ALS) students at Labogon NHS were able to use the computers as they completed their requirements for graduation (ALS is similar to the GED program in the United States)
  • The social studies teachers at Tayud NHS will be using the Marble program this coming week with their classes
  • Students at Compostela NHS started their elective computer applications class this week, using the Open Source desktop publishing tool Scribus
  • The computers at Liloan NHS will be moved to the library soon to increase their availability to all students

Seeing the computers being used by students for their education is such a joy!  And oh yes – it was also Sir Neal’s birthday this week, with a never-to-be-forgotten party at Compostela NHS.

The Cebu Open Source Software Championship is scheduled for July 6th, so that will be my focus this week.  We’ve been having some slow-downs in the lab when all of the students are running Scribus, so that has been keeping me awake at night wondering how to get better performance.  I’ll be doing lots of googling this weekend!  The whole host of logistical issues for a contest are also on my mind, so it’s going to be a busy week of planning.

Neal spent some time yesterday working on the Ubuntu configuration for the NComputing systems that have been installed at several schools in Cebu.  He’s had some trouble with the browser, and he got it to work yesterday at last.  It is still quirky, but it was good progress for his effort.  That will continue to be one of his tasks this coming week.  We are also going to Cebu City Tuesday to meet with representatives of the Central Visayas Information Sharing Network (CVISNET), proponents of Open Source software here in Cebu.  We were alerted to this organization by Sir Chester at Daanbantayan NHS last week, and we are excited to meet them and hear about their mission.  Compostela Central just got internet on Thursday, so we’ll go there Monday to get it set up with the Reneal IEO system.  And then a visit to the Compostela Night High School Monday night to troubleshoot some flaky units.  And who knows what other unexpected tasks will emerge?  Anyway, we can sleep when we get back to the U.S.!