Happy 10th Reneal! [2022-04-12]

Reneal officially incorporated as a non-profit ten years ago.  What a decade it’s been!  Reneal is thankful for the continued opportunity to serve students and teachers in learning about computers and technology.  Over Reneal’s existence, 50 computer labs in Tanzania and 36 computer labs in the Philippines have been installed in public high schools.  Reneal is grateful to so many people and organizations that have helped make this work possible!

We thank Principal Tess Selanoba and the teachers of Compostela (Cebu) National High School in the Philippines for their support and encouragement when this work first began back in 2006.  They gave us the original idea of forming Reneal IEO. 

Reneal couldn’t have kept the computer labs running well over the years without the leadership and skill of our local Team members: David Nyangaka, Robert Nyangaka, Erick Mneney, Ashura Hamis, Patrick Mushi, and Anold Christopher (Reneal Team Tanzania) and Jade Reyes, Lloyd Tunacao, Rog Sampan, and Ervin Formentera (Reneal Team Philippines).

We are grateful to our Tanzania Partners, Habari Node and Arusha Node Marie, who work with Reneal in installing new computer labs, as well as the many local, district, and regional government officials who facilitate Reneal’s work in Tanzania.

The Reneal US Team has been guided and advised ably by current and former Board Members Priscilla Batty, Sharon Fingold, Steve Guerzon, Nathan Martinez, Katherine Yen, Antonio Martinez, and Jeff Jewett.

Reneal’s many generous donors over the years have provided the essential computer equipment and monetary donations to help Reneal continue to reach new schools.  A special thanks to Apto Solutions and Network the World for their amazing support in 2021 and 2022.

Finally, we are grateful to the dedicated teachers who have used Reneal computer labs to share their knowledge with the students in Tanzania and the Philippines. They are the ones who ultimately fulfill Reneal’s dream of bringing technology to students.

 (Photo: 10th anniversary cake for the Reneal Team Tanzania celebration and special 10th anniversary graphic prepared by Ashura Hamis)